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Sabtu, 17 September 2016

Infinity Box Chinese Miracle 2 MTK v 1.56 Setup Download

Infinity Box Chinese Miracle 2 MTK v 1.56 Setup Download - this blog we have built a few years ago and already very many blog visitors Max Gadget who are satisfied with the information we convey and we say thanks for that, we will then improve the quality of information we convey to you, well according to what you are looking for we will now discuss first about Infinity Box Chinese Miracle 2 MTK v 1.56 Setup Download this information we framework from various trusted sources, please see:

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Infinity Box Chinese Miracle 2 MTK v 1.56 Setup Download

Infinity-Box Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/Mediatek v1.56 - Helio X20/X25, Secure Fever and more

Mediatek FP Platform:

- MT6276
Improved FW Reading engine
> New types supported
New FlashIDs included
EMI builder updated
FW reading Speed improved, about 2x times faster
Some other bugfixes mentioned by users

- MT6255
Improved FW Reading engine
> New types supported
New FlashIDs included
FW reading Speed improved, about 2x times faster
256 MiB Flash ICs supported
Some other bugfixes mentioned by users

Mediatek SP Platform:

MT6797(T) - New HighEnd DECA-Core CPU from MediaTek: Helio X20, Helio X25

- MT6797 ( Helio 2x series ) support activated !
Firmware Read and Write (as factory one)
Signed FW Read and Write
Factory FW flashing
Read full info (with extended and security info)
FlashDump Read / Write
NVRAM Read / Write
UserLocks Reset (include fingerprint lock) without data lost !
HW test - eMMC RO test
Security repair - IMEI1, IMEI2
SP unlock ( Unlock Code Reading )
SP unlock ( Direct Unlock )
Format FileSystem / Reset settings: FRP, Privacy and rest user locks included
Reset FRP lock: Google Reset Protection
Reset Privacy Lock
Repair ExtData
Flash Erase
Fix Unknown BaseBand
Init Preloader
Forensic: PhoneBook extraction
Forensic: User Gallery (Photo / Video) extraction
Read ModemConfiguration file ( BPLGUI )
Modem ReInit
FastBoot mode operations

- Flash Engine updated
MT6797 FW flashing activated
MT6750, MT6755, MT6797 specific changes:
Activated ability of flashing SIGNED firmwares - WorldFirst !
Activated ability of flashing SECURE firmwares - WorldFirst !
MT65xx, MT67xx, MT81xx specific changes:
Activated SECURED type detection - WorldFirst !
CM2 will identify phone secure type and warn user about possible ways
There is 2 options generaly - SafeFlash ( ONLY SAME FW VERSION! ) and stop flashing at all
Detection done BEFORE any operation with phone - that mean DEVICE COMPLETELY IN SAFE, if there is any problem can happen

- FW Reader Improved
MT6797 ( Helio X20 and Helio X25 ) support activated !
> Allow Read FACTORY FW from MT6797 and MT6797T phones
> FW read by CM2 is COMPLETELY like factory one
> FW read by CM2 contain ALL need parts, all need settings etc.
> FW read by CM2 NOT damage/destroy security/user/fota and etc settings, as always

New types supported
Brand-specific improvements
Files verification improved
MT6750, MT6755, MT6797: FW reader will verify and detected SECURED and SIGNED FW types
MT67xx, MT65xx, MT81xx: FW reader will verify and detected NORMAL and SECURED FW types
If you got message from CM2 after read FW - READ IT CAREFULY! It explain all what you need to know.
Warning: That firmwares CAN NOT be flashed with SPFT !

- Service:
Repair Security revised for secure devices
Format FS operation revised ( stuck problem fixed )
Format FS revised for Secure platforms ( complete part rebuild possible on signed and secured devices )

- Other
Certification DL mode activated for MT6750,MT6755,MT6797
> Allow boot devices with CERT check ( if they are in supported list )
> Allow make all service and repair operations with devices with CERT check ( if they are in supported list )
> Currently supported series: LeEco MT6797 based phones
Preloader Init: Mt65xx and MT67xx operations improved
Preloader Init: Memory Type detection revised
Many other changes and improvements at all

Infinity Box Chinese Miracle 2 MTK v 1.56 

New method to upload firmware files to support area - Flash Files Database - iosFileUploader

New method to download firmware files from support area - Flash Files Torrent system

Infinity-Box 11 (eleven) years (2005 - 2016) updates and support as nobody else - Infinity-Box - News

Unlock Codes (Huawei, SE, Motorola, Samsung etc.), iPhone Unlock, Software Activations - Infinity-Box Online Service

- Infinity-Box Dongle ready for delivery
- BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] Dongle
- CDMA-Tool Dongle (fast and easy unlock)

so much information Infinity Box Chinese Miracle 2 MTK v 1.56 Setup Download

hopefully the information Infinity Box Chinese Miracle 2 MTK v 1.56 Setup Download that we convey can make you satisfied because it can be useful to determine the gadget according to your needs.

you just read the article titled Infinity Box Chinese Miracle 2 MTK v 1.56 Setup Download if you feel this information is useful and want to bookmark or share please use the link do not forget to go back to this blog to get more information about gadgets.

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