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Kamis, 29 Oktober 2015

How To Enjoy Your MTN 3GB 2GO Data Both On Pc And Mobile Device

How To Enjoy Your MTN 3GB 2GO Data Both On Pc And Mobile Device - this blog we have built a few years ago and already very many blog visitors Max Gadget who are satisfied with the information we convey and we say thanks for that, we will then improve the quality of information we convey to you, well according to what you are looking for we will now discuss first about How To Enjoy Your MTN 3GB 2GO Data Both On Pc And Mobile Device this information we framework from various trusted sources, please see:

Articles : How To Enjoy Your MTN 3GB 2GO Data Both On Pc And Mobile Device
full Link : How To Enjoy Your MTN 3GB 2GO Data Both On Pc And Mobile Device

You can also see our article on:

    How To Enjoy Your MTN 3GB 2GO Data Both On Pc And Mobile Device

     A lot of people have gotten their /2015/10/new-imei-for-free-mtn-60mb-3gb-2go-data.html" rel="nofollow">MTN 3GB 2GO MB on your sim card, but they don't know how to use it after they exhausted the 60mb while there is another extra 3gb. Today am going to show the best way to use your 3gb 2go data both on PC and your mobile device.
    If you don't have MTN 3GB 2GO data click /2015/10/new-imei-for-free-mtn-60mb-3gb-2go-data.html" rel="nofollow">HERE to get yours

    For Mobile Android users

    Http Injector is the best vpn to use to enjoy your MTN 3gb 2go data. Now all you need to do is

    1. Click HERE to download Http injector app

    2. Then Click HERE to download MTN 2GO config file for http injector

    3. Make sure your Mobile internet settings are set as:


    Proxy: blank

    Port: blank

    That's all

    If you don't know how to use Http Injector click /2015/10/browse-and-download-unlimited-using.html" rel="nofollow">HERE to learn.

    For Openvpn User on mobile

    Click HERE to download MTN 2GO data config file

    Make sure your Mobile internet settings are set as:

    Port: 8080

    That's all

    Note: The config file is not stable is disconnect but i will upload a stable config file soon.

    For PC user

    PC user can also enjoy MTN 3GB 2GO data using their Simple server for pc. Now to enjoy it

    Click HERE to download configured Simple server for MTN 3GB 2GO data, then run it as the way you use simple server on pc.
    Make sure your set your Pc browsers proxy as
    Port: 8080

    OR you can configure your own simple server for pc manually as:

    LHOST = ''
    IMETHOD = 0
    ISPLIT = 0
    RHTTP = 0
    TIMEOUT = 60
    PHOST = ''
    RQUERY = ''
    RPATH = 0
    PTYPE = 0
    KEEP = ''
    BQUERY = ''
    MQUERY = ''
    RHTTPS = 1
    PPORT = 8080
    LPORT = 8080
    VALHDR0 = ''
    VALHDR1 = ''
    VALHDR2 = ''
    VALHDR3 = ''
    IQUERY = ''
    ADMODE = 0
    CQUERY = ''
    CUSHDR2 = ''
    CUSHDR3 = ''
    CUSHDR0 = 'Host'
    CUSHDR1 = ''
    ILINE = 0
    FQUERY = ''
    SBUFF = 1024
    RPORT = 0 

    That should be all... Feel free to share the benefit with your friends..

    so much information How To Enjoy Your MTN 3GB 2GO Data Both On Pc And Mobile Device

    hopefully the information How To Enjoy Your MTN 3GB 2GO Data Both On Pc And Mobile Device that we convey can make you satisfied because it can be useful to determine the gadget according to your needs.

    you just read the article titled How To Enjoy Your MTN 3GB 2GO Data Both On Pc And Mobile Device if you feel this information is useful and want to bookmark or share please use the link do not forget to go back to this blog to get more information about gadgets.

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    Related : How To Enjoy Your MTN 3GB 2GO Data Both On Pc And Mobile Device

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